It is still possible to submit Objections to the current Wightlink Planning Applications.
There are three Regulators to whom Wightlink is applying for permission - 3 years after they brought the new bigger ferries to Lymington.
Unfortunately it is a bit complicated. You can submit Objections direct to the websites or by mail or telephone.

They are firstly New Forest District Council,
1.Click on this link:
Fill in your details. Make sure you click 'Opinion' as 'Object.'
OR 2. By post: Write to David Groom, Development Control Manager, New Forest District Council, Appletree Court, LYNDHURST SO43 7PA. Head your letter “Planning Application 96387 – Lymington Car Ferry Terminal – OBJECTION”
OR 3. By telephone: Call 02380 285345. Ask for David Groom or Steven Clothier. Tell them you OBJECT.
 It doesn't matter what you say in the email/letter/phone call but persuasive subjects are traffic generation, highway safety, noise of traffic, noise of sirens and announcements on the water, ludicrous plan for 'mitigation', data presented in the Application which is incorrect, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Secondly the New Forest National Park Authority:
1. Go to the NFNPA Planning website: Fill in the Application number 10/95896 and click 'Search' Click on the 'Application number 10/95896' in the green panel. When the page comes up you can see details of the Application. Click on 'Documents and Plans' to see all the paperwork. Then go down to click on 'Comment'. Up comes a form to fill in and comment. Make sure you click 'Opinion' as 'Object.'
OR 2. By post to: Mr Rob Ainslie, New Forest National Park Authority, South Efford House, Milford Road, Everton, Lymington SO41 0JD Head your letter “Planning Application 10/95896 – Wightlink Mud Dumping – OBJECTION”.
OR 3. By telephone: Call 01590 646629. Ask for Rob Ainslie. Tell him you OBJECT to Application 10/95896 – Wightlink Mud Dumping .
 It doesn't matter what you say in the email/letter/phone call but persuasive subjects are traffic generation especially lorries on the unfenced road from Beaulieu, highway safety for residents and ponies, noise of traffic, noise of sirens and announcements on the water, ludicrous plan for 'mitigation' by dumping mud 1.5km away from the river, data presented in the Application which is incorrect, etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And thirdly the Marine Management Organisation:
1.By email to: Head your email “Planning Applications DC9214 and DC9215 – Wightlink Shore Works and Mud Dumping – OBJECTION”.
OR 2. By post to: Jeremy Evans, Marine Development Control Team, Marine Environment Team, Marine Management Organisation,PO Box 1275, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE NE995BN Head your letter “Planning Applications DC9214 and DC9215 – Wightlink Shore Works and Mud Dumping – OBJECTION”.
OR 3. By telephone: Call 0191-3762517. Ask for Jeremy Evans. Tell him, or anyone else you can speak to, that you OBJECT to Planning Applications DC9214 and DC9215 – Wightlink Shore Works and Mud Dumping
It doesn't matter what you say in the email/letter/phone call but persuasive subjects might be that it is a ludicrous plan for 'mitigation' by dumping mud 1.5km away from the river and that the mud dredged from the river will contain heavy metals from the antifouling of the ferries since they use 'commercial' antifouls and to a lesser extent from yachts that use 'environmental' antifouls. This will not make a 'habitat' but a toxic waste dump. Also that the dumped sludge will wash away on the spring tide, either to block the Pylewell Bay entrance and channel, to poison the shellfish that are dredged in the area or to get carried back into the River to be dredged again. They will be less concerned that there will be increased traffic generation especially lorries on the unfenced road from Beaulieu, highway safety for residents and ponies, noise of traffic, noise of sirens and announcements on the water, data presented in the Application which is incorrect, etc.
Send individual Objections. Don't send one from 'Mr & Mrs Bloggs and Family' but send one from Mr Bloggs, one from Mrs Bloggs, one from Master Bloggs, one from Miss Bloggs and one from Granny Bloggs. Numbers are what count.